Are Turtles Reptiles, Amphibians, or Mammals?

Turtles are among the most fascinating and enigmatic creatures on our planet. With their patterned turtle shells and ability to thrive on both land and water, we’re often curious about their true nature. Are they reptiles, amphibians, or even mammals?

Spoiler alert: Turtles are reptiles, distinct from amphibians and mammals. Their unique traits, such as scaly skin, egg-laying habits, and protective shells, alongside their evolutionary history, confirm their classification within the reptile class.

But there’s more to this question that you must learn to understand your pet reptile’s behavior. Therefore, today, we’ll understand if a turtle is a reptile, amphibian, or mammalso you can know their biology better.

We’ll also explore their biology, quirky behaviors, and unique characteristics. And by the end of this journey, you’ll be the go-to turtle expert among your friends and family!

Keep reading to know if a turtle is an amphibian or a reptile!

sea turtle on the beach

Are Turtles Reptiles or Amphibians? 

Key Takeaway:

Turtles belong to the reptile group. They are cold-blooded, have a scaly skin, and lay eggs on land, which are key characteristics of reptiles. Unlike amphibians, which undergo a life-stage transformation and can live on land and in water, turtles maintain their reptilian features throughout their lives. And, unlike mammals, they don’t have hair or give birth, nor are they warm-blooded.

Alright, now that we know the answer to if a turtle is a reptile or amphibian, let’s delve into the reasons why they are reptiles:


Turtles belong to the class Reptilia, which also includes snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and alligators. They are part of the order of Testudines, which is further divided into various families and species.


Like other reptiles, turtles have a backbone and a hard, protective shell of bony plates called scutes. This shell, composed of the carapace (top part) and plastron (bottom part), helps protect them from predators and environmental threats. Turtles also have dry, scaly skin rather than the moist skin found in amphibians.


Turtles, just like other reptiles, lay eggs with leathery shells. These eggs are laid on land, where the mother buries them in sand or soil to incubate. Amphibians, on the other hand, usually lay their eggs in water, and a jelly-like substance surrounds the eggs.

turtle coming out of egg

Ectothermic Nature

Turtles are ectothermic like other members of the reptilia family, meaning they rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature. This is why you’ll often find turtles basking in the sun to warm up. If you have a pet reptile, use a ramp tank for him to soak in the sun. 

Scales and Keratin

A defining characteristic of reptiles, including turtles, is the presence of scales covering their bodies. These scales are made of keratin, the same material in human hair and nails. In turtles, these scales, known as scutes, cover the bony plates of their shell, providing additional protection and support.

Skeletal Structure

Turtles share several skeletal features with other reptiles, including a skull without temporal fenestrae (openings), a primitive trait. Additionally, the vertebrae and ribs are fused to a turtle’s shell, creating a rigid and protective structure. This unique adaptation sets turtles apart from other reptiles but aligns them more closely with their reptilian counterparts than with amphibians or mammals.

Internal Fertilization

Another characteristic that defines turtles as reptiles is how they reproduce. Male turtles possess an organ called the hemipenis to transfer sperm to the female during mating. This reproductive strategy differs from that of amphibians, which typically rely on external fertilization in aquatic environments.

Specialized Hearing And Vision

Turtles, like other reptiles, possess specialized sensory adaptations that help them survive in their environments. They have a tympanic membrane, or eardrum, which allows them to detect airborne vibrations, while their eyes are adapted for both terrestrial and aquatic vision. These sensory adaptations are more advanced than those found in amphibians and further support their reptile classification.

Why are Turtles Not Amphibians?

Are turtles amphibiansis a common question because they resemble others from the specie. Amphibians usually reproduce in water, laying eggs surrounded by a jelly-like substance. These eggs are often found in ponds, streams, or other aquatic environments.

Contrarily, turtles lay their leathery eggs on land and bury them in sand or soil for incubation. Here’s a detailed look at how turtles differ from amphibians.

Life Cycle

The life cycle of amphibians typically includes an aquatic larval stage, where they undergo metamorphosis to transition into their adult form. Conversely, turtles hatch from eggs as fully formed miniature versions of their adult selves, with no larval stage or metamorphosis involved.

Skin and Respiration

Amphibians have moist, permeable skin that plays a crucial role in their respiration, allowing them to absorb oxygen through their skin. With their dry, scaly skin, turtles do not have this ability and instead rely on their lungs for breathing under normal circumstances.


While some turtles spend significant time in the water, they are not limited to aquatic environments like many amphibians. Turtles can be found in various habitats, including deserts, forests, and grasslands.

Why Are Turtles Not Mammals?

Turtles are not mammals because they are cold-blooded reptiles, lay eggs, possess scaly skin, and have a unique protective shell, all of which set them apart from warm-blooded, live-bearing mammals.

Letā€™s now delve into the specific characteristics to understand what differentiates turtles from mammals. So, here goes:

Cold-Blooded Vs. Warm-Blooded

The most striking difference that sets them apart from mammals is that mammals are warm-blooded that maintain a constant body temperature internally. While turtles are cold-blooded, meaning they depend on external sources of heat and bask in the sun or seek shade to maintain an optimal temperature.

Skin And Body Covering

Turtlesā€™ bodies are covered in scales made of keratin, the same material found in human hair and nails. Mammals, in contrast, exhibit a wide range of skin coverings, such as fur, hair, or even smooth skin in the case of whales and dolphins.

Unique Protective Shell

Turtles possess a one-of-a-kind protective shell, which is formed by the fusion of their vertebrae and ribs with bony plates called the carapace (upper part) and plastron (lower part). This shell provides them with a rigid and robust structure that is absent in mammals.

Why Are Turtles Reptiles If They Lay Eggs Like Amphibians?

While it’s true that both turtles and amphibians lay eggs, the similarities end there. And it’s natural to wonder why turtles are classified as reptiles if they lay eggs, just like amphibians. 

But let’s clear up some misconceptions and dive into the reasons behind their classification:

Firstly, the reproduction method is not the sole criterion distinguishing reptiles from amphibians. Several other characteristics, such as anatomy, habitat, and life cycle, contribute to their classification.

Freshwater turtles and their terrestrial and marine counterparts lay leathery, flexible-shelled eggs on land, burying them in sand or soil for incubation. These eggs, unlike those of amphibians, are more resistant to desiccation and can survive in a variety of environments.

However, most amphibians lay their eggs in water, surrounded by a jelly-like substance. Their eggs have a soft, gelatinous covering, making them more susceptible to drying out and requiring a moist environment for survival.

Another key distinction lies in their life cycle. Not all turtles follow the same pattern, but generally, when they hatch, they emerge as miniatures of their adult form. Amphibians, however, have a unique life cycle that involves an aquatic larval stage (e.g., tadpoles) followed by metamorphosis into their adult form.

Also, turtles possess dry, scaly skin and a bony shell, typical reptilian traits. But, as we discussed, amphibians have moist, permeable skin that plays a vital role in their respiration, a characteristic that sets them apart from reptiles.

If we consider all these factors, we can see that turtles don’t share many similarities with amphibians. Therefore, turtles are classified as reptiles and not amphibians.

Caring for Your Turtle

Clear on the zoology information? That’s great. Let’s now understand how to care for your shelled friend.

Understanding that your pet turtle is a reptile can help you provide the best care for him. Here are a few key points to consider:

Temperature Regulation

Since turtles are ectothermic, providing them with a heat source and proper lighting is essential. Be sure to research the specific temperature requirements for your turtle’s species and set up a basking area with a heat lamp and UVB light.


Turtles require a habitat that caters to their specific needs, as some of them spend almost their whole life in aquatic environments while other turtles live on land. For aquatic turtles, this means providing an environment with clean water for swimming, a basking area for sunning, and a place to hide. 

Terrestrial turtles will need a spacious enclosure with an appropriate substrate, hiding spots, and a basking area. Always research the specific habitat requirements for your turtle’s species to ensure their comfort and well-being.

turtle on the water


Unlike amphibians, which require a moist environment, turtles don’t need constant exposure to water (except for aquatic species). However, they still need access to clean water for drinking and soaking.

Ensure your turtle always has fresh water available by using a feedbox for your reptile. Also, keep an eye on the humidity levels in their enclosure, as some species may require higher humidity than others, like hidden neck turtles.

Health Concerns

Since turtles are reptiles, they can be prone to specific health issues related to their reptilian nature. Common concerns include respiratory infections, metabolic bone disease, shell problems, and vitamin deficiencies.

Regular veterinary check-ups and a proper diet can help prevent many of these issues. Be observant and address any changes in your turtle’s behavior or appearance promptly.

The Word on Whether Turtles are Reptiles, Amphibians, or Mammals

So, are turtles reptiles, amphibians, or mammals? After learning turtle biology, reproduction, and evolution, it’s clear that these fascinating creatures are undeniably reptiles.

From their ancient evolutionary lineage and scaly, keratin-covered bodies to their internal fertilization and life cycle that lacks a metamorphic process, turtles showcase all the classic traits of reptiles.

As we’ve discovered, turtles are reptiles and incredibly adaptable, inhabiting diverse environments from arid deserts to lush forests and vast oceans. 

The key takeaway is that turtles are an exciting example of the diversity found within the reptile class. 

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