How To Bathe A Boa Constrictor

Are you nervous about taking care of your boa constrictor?

Have you heard you should bathing is beneficial to a boa constrictor, but aren’t sure where to start?

Taking a bath is something most boas like, but it also helps when they are shedding, constipated.

First-time owners might feel a little intimidated and wonder:

How do you bathe a boa constrictor?

Boas will often use their water dish in their enclosure as a kind of soaking or bathing dish, but if you want or need to give them more room, fill the bathtub or a shallow plastic container with warm water and allow the boa to soak for no more than 30 minutes.

For more information on bathing a boa constrictor, continue reading.

how to bathe a boa constrictor

How To Bathe A Boa Constrictor

Most boa constrictors do love a good soak.

By placing a large, shallow water dish in their enclosure, you will give them the ability to bathe on their own terms, when they are in the mood.

The dish will also need to be sturdy enough to support the animal getting in and out of the water.

Make sure the dish is proportionate to the size of your boa constrictor.

If you have a hatchling or a juvenile boa, they will need a smaller water dish than what is required for a fully grown adult.

Too big of a dish, and you could risk the younger, smaller animal drowning.

Boa constrictors also tend to defecate in the water, so daily cleaning and fresh water are needed.

If you think your snake needs a larger area to bathe in, you might consider taking them out of their tank to give them more space.

To do this, fill your bathtub or a shallow plastic tote or other containers with warm water.

The water should be approximately 80° to 85° degrees Fahrenheit (27° – 29° C), as boas, like other snakes, are sensitive to temperature.

Gently remove the snake from their enclosure and place them in the water.

It is best to supervise the snake while it is soaking in the water and not exceed a soak of more than 30 minutes.

It is also essential to not use chlorinated water when you prepare a bath for your boa, as there is a chance it will irritate the skin.

Never leave your boa constrictor, or any snake, unattended when they are in the bath, as snakes of any age can drown.

The water level should be about halfway up your boas body, as another way to prevent the animal from drowning.

If you notice your boa struggling at all, be sure to intervene and make sure they are ok.

Once your boa has finished their bath, gently lift them from the water and gently dry the animal with a soft, clean towel and return them to their enclosure.

Why Does A Boa Constrictor Soak In Their Water Dish?

Many snakes do spend time soaking in their water dish, and boa constrictors are no exception.

Spending time in their water dish is not out of the ordinary, but excessive time spent there could indicate a problem with their health or their home.

Boas in the wild are not prone to spending a lot of time in the water, unlike other species like anacondas, who will spend a great deal of time in the water.

Boas would rather spend time on the land, but they will sit in their water dish if the tank’s temperature is too hot, and they need to cool down.

This helps them regulate their own body.

Extremely frequent soaks in their water dish may also be a sign your snake has mites.

Boas, and other snakes, will retreat to their water dish to relieve the irritation caused by the mites.

If you notice your snake spending a lot of their time in their water dish, check the temperatures and humidity levels in the enclosure and look for signs of a mite infestation.

This is an easy fix to make the life of your pet so much better.

Some boas might also use their water dish as a hiding place if they feel anxious or stressed.

This is only the case if proper hides are not available in their tank.

If you have some hides for them to escape to, they will not use their water dish in these situations.

When Should I Bathe My Boa Constrictor?

Your boa is likely to soak in the water dish you provide from time to time, but sometimes a bath with warm water in your tub might be in order.

Baths aren’t something you need to do all the time, so you might be wondering when you should bathe your boa constrictor.

Besides just allowing them some time out of their tank to stretch out and enjoy a soak, there are a few other reasons you might bath your boa.

Baths are helpful to your boa constrictor as they are going through the shedding process.

A nice soak in a bath will help if you notice their skin is not sloughing off easily and naturally.

If your boa constrictor has mites, a bath is a sure way to help them recover and get rid of them.

Even when they soak on their own in their water dish, they cannot get rid of every last mite.

Add a drop or two of non-scented, gentle dish soap to the bathwater to rid your boa of all the mites.

You will need to thoroughly clean and disinfect your boa’s cage and all the things inside of the cage to eradicate the mites.

Otherwise, you will expose your snake to the mites all over again.

A soak is also helpful if you notice your boa is constipated.

If you notice your boa isn’t going to the bathroom as they should, give them a bath to get things moving.

But, if this doesn’t work, a trip to the veterinarian will tell you if there is a more significant issue.


Bathing your boa constrictor doesn’t have to be an intimidating process.

There are many great benefits of bathing your boa constrictor, and with the right water temperature and some supervision, it is often an enjoyable experience for your pet.

We hope you now have a better understanding of how to give your boa constrictor a bath after reading this article.

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