Have you ever wanted to share a nectarine with your bearded dragon but wondered if it was safe?
It’s essential to understand what can potentially be toxic to your pet lizard.
Don’t worry! We’re here to help.
This is why you need to read helpful articles like this.
Table of Contents
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Nectarines?
Yes, bearded dragons can safely eat nectarines, but it is vital to limit the fruit. Nectarines have a disproportionate calcium to phosphorous balance and a high acidity level and sugar content.
It’s essential to offer nectarines on an occasional basis and stick to foods providing a higher nutritional content.
Name | Amount |
Sugars | 8.39 g |
Dietary Fiber | 1.5 g |
Calcium | 6 mg |
Phosphorus | 20 mg |
Vitamin C | 6.6 mg |
Iron | .25 mg |
Vitamin B6 | .025 mg |
Water | 87.59 g |
Choline | 6.1 mg |
Why You Should Limit Nectarines For Bearded Dragons
Nectarines provide too high of sugar content for bearded dragons.
While they have Vitamin C, the sweet fruits don’t provide enough valuable nutrients to your beardie.
In addition, they have a high acid content which can lead to health problems in bearded dragons.
I recommend peeling the fruit before offering it to your beardie.
The textured nectarine skin is tough for bearded dragons to chew and can lead to choking.
Peeling the nectarine can help get rid of any potential pesticides used on the fruit.
You should also avoid dried fruits because of their higher sugar content.
Fresh nectarine is always best.
Finally, the fruit has a large water content which can cause diarrhea in your beardie.
While bearded dragons do need to keep hydrated, too much is not a good thing.
With the variety of fruits available to your beardie, there are better options than nectarines.
Calcium to Phosphorous Balance
Bearded dragons require proper calcium to phosphorous balance, ideally 2:1.
When too many foods, like nectarines, are given, it can throw off the balance, causing health problems.
When the level is disproportionate, it can lead to a calcium deficiency.
This can lead to Metabolic Bone Disease (MDB). MDB affects the bones in beardies and causes them to become brittle and potentially break.
The issue in beardies can become severe and lead to death if not treated properly.
What Fruits Can Bearded Dragons Eat?
All fruits for beardies should be served in moderation.
There are several types your beardie can enjoy on occasion.
Fresh fruits should make up the smallest percentage of their diet.
Consider fruit a treat and don’t serve it daily.
A list of healthy fruits are cherries, prunes, grapes, peaches, guava, blackberries, mangos, blueberries, cranberries, and pineapples.
Avoid giving watery fruits, like watermelon and other melons, regularly.
They are not as nutrient-dense as other fruits.
It’s essential to clear the leftover fruit out of their tanks.
Rotted fruit can cause illness in beardies.
Finally, you are able to offer frozen fruits to your beardie; just make sure they have been washed and thawed.
What Fruits Should You Avoid
While sweet-tasting fruits taste good to people, they aren’t great for bearded dragons.
Feeding beardies fruit too often is not a good idea due to the high level of sugar.
Avoid citrus fruits like mandarin oranges and tangerines.
This includes orange juice as well.
They provide a high level of oxalic acid which is extremely harmful to beardies.
If you have a picky dragon, avoid giving too many fruits.
They likely will develop a preference for them and turn up their noses at other foods.
What Should Bearded Dragons Eat?
Bearded dragon owners should understand how important a proper diet is for your beardie.
The staple foods you should provide for your pet are greens and feeder insects.
It’s crucial to offer your beardie veggies and fresh greens daily.
These healthy foods offer the necessary vitamins and minerals required for your bearded dragon to maintain a healthy life.
Vegetables and leafy greens to offer lizards include squash, mustard greens, beet greens, bell peppers, green beans, peas, and spaghetti squash.
Kale is an excellent choice to offer your beardie.
It provides Vitamins A, C & K, folate, and is high in calcium.
Consider making a salad of a variety of chopped-up veggies to avoid having picky beardies.
Feeder Insects
Insects provide much-needed protein for beardies.
Bearded dragons were not meant to be vegetarians, and therefore it’s important to add quality protein to their diets.
Appropriate feeder insects include crickets, dubia roaches, wax worms, mealworms, and earthworms.
I favor the dubia roaches because they do not smell, cannot climb the cage, don’t make any noises, and provide an excellent protein source.
Finally, I recommend “gut-loading” the insects a few weeks before feeding them to your bearded dragon.
During this time, feed them nutrient-rich foods, which will eventually be passed on to your beardie.
Diet Needs To Be Based on Age
The amount of each food varies dependant on the age of your beardie.
It’s essential to change their diet as they age to ensure you are always providing the proper nutrients for your pet.
Baby bearded dragons: Baby bearded dragons require more protein in their diet to help with their fast growth and development.
Baby beardies will eat about 80% protein and 20% fruits and vegetables.
Babies can even eat up to 60 crickets a day.
When serving your beardie insects, make sure the size is no bigger than the space between their eyes.
Serving food too large can cause choking or even lead to impaction.
Juvenile bearded dragons: As your beardie begins to grow, their diet will switch to a 50/50 combination of proteins and vegetables.
Juvenile beardies are still growing, which is why it’s important still to provide a decent amount of proteins in their diet.
Adult bearded dragons: Once your beardie becomes an adult, their diet will drastically change from those early days.
At this point, you want to provide them with about 80% leafy greens and vegetables and 20% protein.
Adults don’t need as many insects, or it could lead to obesity.
In the wild, bearded dragons get plenty of exercise, but this isn’t the case in captivity.
This is why it’s crucial to provide a healthy balance of greens and insects in their diet.
The Need for Water
Hydration is vital for bearded dragons.
You should put a water dish in their enclosure, but keep in mind they also get hydrated through the foods they eat. ‘
They actually won’t drink water on their own nearly as much as other animals do.
You likely will notice your beardie using their water bowl to bathe in.
It’s just another way for them to keep hydrated.
Just make sure to clean it daily since they often will use it for defecating in.
Make sure water dishes are shallow enough for them to climb in and out of.
The last thing you want is for your bearded dragon to get stuck in their dish.
Another way to keep up with hydration is to mist your beardie with a squirt bottle gently.
The Need for Supplements
To aid in calcium absorption, you should offer calcium supplements.
These easily are sprinkled over the food of beardies a couple of times a week.
In addition, since pet bearded dragons do not get natural sunlight, it’s vital to ensure they are receiving a proper dose of Vitamin D3.
If you ever question whether your beardie needs supplements, it never hurts to check with your reptile vet.
Foods Bearded Dragons Should Avoid
There are certain foods you should never give to your beardie and some to only offer in moderation.
The foods you should never give can lead to death, so it’s imperative not to offer them.
If you are unsure if an item is safe for your pet lizard, it’s best just to avoid giving it to them.
Never Give
- Fireflies, ticks, and spiders (Even just half a firefly can kill your beardie.)
- Wild insects (You don’t know what type of diseases wild insects may carry)
- Avocados
- Rhubarb
- Candy or Chocolate
- Meats (Your bearded dragon would not eat meats in the wild, so they shouldn’t be given at home.)
- Onion
- Eggplant
- Wild plants (You don’t know what types of pesticides were used on them.)
- Dairy
- Lettuce (It is mostly made of water and contains few nutrients. It also can cause diarrhea in your pet.)
- Beet Tops
- Spinach (Both spinach and beet tops can lead to a calcium deficiency in high doses.)
Final Thoughts
I hope this article provided you with the valuable information you need to feed your pet dragon.
Your beardie is part of your family, and it’s essential to treat them as such.
Providing the best foods for bearded dragons will ensure they can have a long life.
Providing beardies with nectarine and other fruits is fine on an occasional basis but shouldn’t make up most of their diet.
Make sure you are offering them nutrient-rich veggies and protein-filled feeder insects.
It will lead to a long, happy life with your pet.