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Do Bearded Dragons Pee?

Have you ever wondered if your new bearded dragon can pee? 

While it may seem like a strange thought, it’s a completely normal question to ask.

It’s essential, as a bearded dragon owner, to be familiar with their bodily functions. 

do bearded dragons pee

Do Bearded Dragons Pee?

Not exactly. Bearded dragons do not have a liquid pee like humans or other animals. They produce waste from their kidney called uric acid. 

A dragon’s body does this to help conserve water. 

When a dragon pees, you will notice a white chalky, powdery substance. 

If their excretion changes to a yellow color, it could sign dehydration or a high level of calcium in their diet. 

Giving your dragon warm baths will help with dehydration. 

How Much Are Bearded Dragons Going to Pee?

The amount of bearded dragon pee will vary from one beardie to the next. 

The amount of urine they excrete is going to vary depending on age. 

  • A baby bearded dragon will urinate anywhere from 1 to 3 times per day. 
  • An adult bearded dragon will only go 1 to 3 times per week. 

A Lack of Pee Isn’t Necessarily a Bad Thing

You may get concerned if you notice a lack of pee in their tank. 

A bearded dragon avoids hydration by not excreting an excess of urine. 

Even an extra bit of liquid can throw their body off. 

So, if you noticed a lack of pee in their tank, know it is completely normal. 

The white chalky substance should have a soft consistency to it. 

Harder pee is often a sign of dehydration. 

Beardies need to be hydrated all the time. 

If you notice the harder pee, put a few drops of water around their snout to encourage them to drink. 

Do Bearded Dragons Poop?

Yes, you will clean up bearded dragon poop inside their tank. 

The amount of beardie poop will vary from one dragon to the next. 

Like with their urine, it’s essential to know what is healthy when it comes to bearded dragon poop.

What Should Dragon Poop Look Like?

You want to be sure the bearded dragon poo you are cleaning up looks normal. 

While it might seem gross to you, it’s essential to be sure everything is going on like normal inside the stomach of your bearded dragon. 

Bearded dragon poop is a combination of two types of waste. 

  • Solid digested food waste product, the brown portion of their poop
  • White urates

The Colors of Bearded Dragon Poop You May Find

Normally, the dragon poop color will be brown but occasionally, if you find some color changes. 

While some may seem alarming to you, it’s standard for their bodies to produce some odd droppings. 

  • Green poop is likely caused by something in their diet. Calcium supplements will also cause their poop color to change. 
  • Yellow poop is due to something they ate or even an unfertilized egg. 
  • Red poop is caused by eating food with a red dye. However, bloody stool smears are brought on by an intestinal polyp due to constipation. 
  • Black beardie poo is typically older poop. You want to make sure it is not parasites. If it is watery, you should take your bearded dragon to the vet to ensure it’s not an infection. 
  • White poop means your bearded dragon is likely dehydrated. If you see white runny poop, then it’s an overhydration issue. 

And we have a huge guide on bearded dragon poop that we consider very important information to know for the health of your pet so please make sure to check it out.

How Often do Bearded Dragons Poo?

The amount of bearded dragon poo is based on various factors. 

Remember, the amount of bearded dragon poop you might find will vary from one dragon to the next. 


Beardies who have a calcium-rich diet will likely poop more. 

If your beardie tends to eat a lot of crickets, you likely won’t be cleaning up as much bearded dragon poop as you would if they solely ate mealworms. 

Feeding too many fruits or leafy greens can cause loose stool in bearded dragons. 

While leafy greens are a healthy choice for bearded dragons, you need to be sure to provide a well-balanced diet. 


Adult bearded dragons are going to poop less than baby bearded ones. 

From about 4 to 18 months of age, you likely will be cleaning bearded dragon poop at least every other day. 

Once they approach the 18-month mark, bearded dragon poop will need to be cleaned up just about 2-3 times a week. 


Just like a human, bearded dragons are affected by stress in their life. 

When you first bring your lizard home, you likely will not find any bearded dragon poop for a few weeks. 

While this might seem nice for cleaning purposes, you want to make sure their environment does not stress them out. 

It will take some time for them to adjust, so do not move them from one tank to another too often in the beginning. 

They are sensitive to loud noises, so make sure their environment is free of any alarming sounds. 

Finding Parasites in Bearded Dragon Poo 

From time to time, you might find parasites in bearded dragon poop.

The majority of parasites aren’t visible, but you might be able to find some in fresh bearded dragon poop. 

Being aware of the symptoms will help with the early diagnosis of parasites. 

If infected, they likely will be dehydrated, have loose stool, and have visible weight loss. 

There is one specific type of parasite you may find in bearded dragon poop. 


Coccidia spreads through the contamination of bearded dragon poop.Ā 

As a pet owner, it’s essential to address these health concerns quickly.

The parasites reproduce in the intestines of bearded dragons and can lead to infection. 

To avoid the issue, make a point to clean the tank every time your dragon poops.Ā 

You want to avoid your lizard having contact with their fecal matter. 

Keeping up with good hygiene is imperative to prevent issues in the future.Ā 

To learn more about coccidia in bearded dragons check out the post we’ve linked here.

Final Thoughts

Now you’re up to speed on the ins and outs of bearded dragon poop and pee; be on the lookout for anything abnormal. 

While it might seem like a gross topic, it’s important to be observant of their bowel movements to avoid future health issues. 

Providing a well-balanced diet and a clean living environment is crucial in providing your bearded dragon with a healthy life. 

While bearded dragons don’t necessarily pee as you would imagine, it is essential to know normal bodily functions. 

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