Where Do Snakes Go When It Rains?

Have you read articles about an increase in snake bites during certain weather conditions?

Do you want to learn more about how snakes behave in the wild?

When looking into how snakes behave in their natural habitat, youā€™ll realize this changes depending on the time of year, weather, and temperature.

This might lead you to ask:

Where do snakes go when it rains?

Snakes living in burrows in the ground relocate above ground as the soil becomes saturated. Other snakes emerge when there is rain in order to hunt as rodents and small amphibians leave their homes too. Snakes will follow the food sources, sometimes finding themselves near buildings and homes. But in general, snakes will have to get to dryer and higher ground. 

For even more information on where snakes go when it rains, keep reading.

where do snakes go when it rains

Where Do Snakes Go When It Rains?

Snakes like rain because the humid weather after a rain agrees with them since they are cold-blooded.

As a bonus, the rain often drives out rodents and small amphibians, the main staple of a snakeā€™s diet. 

But sometimes, if it rains too much and the ground becomes saturated, the weather does present some challenges for them.

Many snakes live in holes or burrows in the ground.

On a typical day, the ground acts as insulation, keeping off both extreme cold and heat. 

This is especially beneficial as snakes are cold-blooded and rely on a specific temperature range to regulate their bodies and perform regular functions successfully.

If they get too cold, their bodies slow down, and if they stay too cold for too long, they will suffer health issues and die.

As the rain floods their homes in the ground, snakes leave the holes in an effort to find a new dry and safe place.

This could mean a snake might enter your home, shed, garage, or barn, but it also means they will be out where you will see them on trails, sidewalks, and the like.

Besides attempting to find a new safe and dry place, snakes also leave their homes to hunt. 

During this rainy weather, they arenā€™t the only animals forced from their homes.

Rodents and small amphibians, like frogs, emerge looking for a dry place too.

These animals make perfect meals for snakes in the wild, and they know it.

The hunt is on for snakes during this time, and it is much easier for them to get their next meal.

Human Interactions With Snakes In Rainy Weather

Because snakes are forced from underground or are on the hunt for their latest meal, their interactions with humans increase during rainy weather.

Researchers have noted the number of snake bites increases during the wet seasons.

Whether near your home or hiking trail, your chances of seeing snakes during or shortly after a heavy rain increase.

If you see a snake in the wild, it is best to leave them alone, especially if you are unsure if it is venomous or non-venomous.

These animals do not go out of their way to harm a human. 

Instead, they simply act in defense.

Should they feel threatened or fearful for their lives, they will use every defense they have in their arsenal.

Overall, they are more afraid of you and donā€™t want to be bothered. 

Suppose there are snakes near your home or come inside, causing concern. 

In this case, it is best to leave them alone and contact your local animal control, so the professionals can remove and relocate the animal to a safe location. 

This is especially true if you live in an area where venomous snakes are.

If you notice many snakes getting into your home, check for cracks or holes in your foundation, or other small openings near ground level. 

During a rainy period, when kids or pets are out playing in your yard, be sure to observe, as the child or animal could come across a snake and get seriously hurt. 

What Weather Is Ideal For Snakes?

As we touched on above, snakes are cold-blooded and need temperatures to be in a particular range to survive and perform everyday functions.

But what is the ideal temperature and what kind of weather do they like best?

Snakes in North America are most active between April and October when temperatures are warmer.

Optimal temperatures will be between 70 and 90Ā° degrees Fahrenheit (32Ā° C).

Contrary to popular belief, snakes donā€™t like it when it is too hot.

There is such a thing as too hot for a snake.

Snakes get overheated when temperatures reach over 95Ā° degrees Fahrenheit (35Ā° C). 

As the temperatures get hotter in the summer, snakes will reduce their time outside during the hottest parts of the day.

This is why you will see them more often in the morning and the evenings until nightfall. 

As fall starts to turn colder, many snakes will begin to retreat underground more often and seek a den to prepare for winter.

Temperatures lower than 60Ā° degrees Fahrenheit (15.5Ā° C) make the snake sluggish, slow-moving, and hinders digestion. 

When temperatures are lower in winter, snakes enter a time of brumation, something similar to hibernation.

In brumation, snakes sleep for periods, only to emerge, eat, find some water, and then return to their dens to sleep for another extended amount of time. 

Once spring and warmer temperatures come around again, the snakes will emerge ready to soak up the sun and find something to eat. 

In the spring, temperatures around the middle of the day will be ideal for them.

Spring is also a common mating season for snakes.


Now you know where snakes go when it rains. 

Snakes are very active during the rainy season as the saturated ground forces, not just them, but their prey out into the open. 

This is a time of increased activities for snakes, as the weather is usually warm and humid, and food is easily found.

Be cautious if you are outside during this time, especially where venomous snakes are prevalent. 

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