argus monitor lizard featured

Argus Monitor Lizard – Ultimate Guide To Ownership

An argus monitor lizard will live for 15 to 20 years in captivity. To look after yours, feed it insects, fish, and rodents every 2 to 3 days. Keep it in an 8x4x4″ enclosure with 2 feet of substrate for digging. Keep the temperature in the enclosure between 80 and 90°F.

mongolian gerbils featured

How Much Does A Gerbil Cost? (To Buy & Raise)

Gerbils cost between $5 and $100, on average. The price depends on the breed of gerbil and where you get him from. The annual expense of raising a gerbil can reach up to $500 and above.

green anole on a green plant featured

Are Green Anole Lizards Poisonous To Humans Or Animals?

Green anoles are not poisonous to humans as they do not have venom. They do, however, have the potential to carry a disease like salmonella and pass it on to their owners. Washing your hands after touching the animal is essential.

brown green anole featured

Why Do Green Anoles Turn Brown? (Here’s Every Reason Why)

Green anoles turn brown when they feel cold; when they don’t feel comfortable in their enclosure; when they face predators; or become dehydrated. They will also change colors when they are stressed, sick, or shedding. Males will turn bright green when defending their territory.

brown gerbil eating pasta featured

Why Gerbils Might Bite & How To Prevent It Or Stop It

Yes, gerbils can bite. Their bites range from small nips to full on skin-breaking chomps. If your gerbil bites you, your inital response might be to yell or jump back. However, it’s best to react as calmly as possible. Gerbils bite due to stress, poor handling, illness, and loud noises, among other reasons.

green anole lizard fetured

Green Anole Care Sheet: Complete Guide For Your Pet

A green anole will live for about 5 years in captivity. It will need a 10-gallon terrarium fitted with a heat lamp and at 60-80% humidity. Feed it gut-loaded crickets every other day and give it water to drink by misting the leaves and walls of its enclosure. Take it to the vet once a year.

rabbit vs guinea pig featured

Guinea Pigs vs Rabbits: Which Make Better Pets?

Guinea pigs and rabbits both build strong bonds with their owners. Guinea pigs live for 5 to 7 years and sleep for 4 to 6 hours a day in short periods throughout the day and night. Rabbits are nocturnal, live for about 8 years, and need a lot of space for exercise.

black gerbil having a sand bath featured

Do Gerbils Need Sand Baths? How To & How Often?

Sand baths are essential to your gerbil’s health. Your gerbil needs to roll in a chinchilla sand bath at least once a week. Pour one inch of sand into a bowl and put it in your gerbil’s cage. Allow it to roll in the sand for 10 to 20 minutes before you remove it.

hamster vs gerbil featured

Hamster vs Gerbil (Differences & Similarities)

Most hamsters (except the dwarves) are bigger than gerbils. They have more compact features and are nocturnal, solitary animals. Gerbils are more placid than hamsters. They like to live in pairs and groups. They live for 3 to 4 years in captivity and have more mouse-like features.

gerbil's big enclosure featured

How To Set Up A Gerbil Cage (Gerbil Habitat Setup Guide)

Your gerbil needs a 20-gallon wire cage with at least a 6-inch base. Fill the base with hay, aspen shavings, and shredded paper. Put a water bottle, food bowl, chew toys, dust bath, and exercise tools in the cage. Keep the cage at 68 to 75°F.

hand holding a gerbil featured

How To Take Care Of A Gerbil (Easy Step-By-Step Guide)

To take care of a gerbil put it in a 20-gallon, wire cage with at least 6 inches of aspen shavings, Timothy hay, and shredded paper substrate. Feed and give your gerbil water every day. Provide it with exercise tubes and chew toys.

two rat snakes featured

Rat Snake vs Corn Snake (Differences & Similarities)

Rat snakes are medium-large constrictor snakes found in the Northern Hemisphere. They live for over 30 years in captivity and are docile pets. Corn snakes are part of the rat snake family. They have orange or brown bodies and checkered bellies. They live for 23 years in captivity.

black guinea pig near fresh grass featured

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grass? Do They Like It? Vet Answers

Guinea pigs eat grass, and they love the taste. It is the main source of guinea pig nutrition. Grass keeps a piggy’s teeth healthy and gastrointestinal health in check. However, it isn’t the only thing you should feed your guinea pig.

guinea pig driving a toy car featured

How To Train A Guinea Pig (Easy Tips & Tricks Training Guide)

Keep your training sessions short but frequent. Be patient while training your guinea pig, as it will need time to feel safe around you. Hand-feed it, speak to it calmly, and do not make sudden movements. Feed it a treat when it does something right.

gerbil out in the wild at night featured

Are Gerbils Nocturnal Or Diurnal? [Gerbil Sleep Guide]

Mongolian gerbils are more nocturnal than they are diurnal because they spend slightly longer sleeping during the day than they do at night. They also display crepuscular-like behavior because they are most active around dusk and dawn.

happy little girl casual orange sweatshirt hugging cute guinea pig while standing against purple background featured

Are Guinea Pigs Cuddly Pets (Do Guinea Pigs Like To Be Held)

Whether or not a guinea pig will enjoy cuddles depends on his temperament. Gender, breed, and past experiences also make a difference. Some enjoy human love, while others take their sweet time in becoming comfortable to touch. Then there are some who are very reluctant when it comes to snuggles.

old black gerbil featured

Gerbil Lifespan: How Long Do Gerbils Live As Pets?

The average gerbil lifespan is between 3 and 4 years. Mongolian gerbils live for 3 years and fat-tailed gerbils live for 5 to 7 years. Gerbils in the wild tend to have a shorter lifespan because they have to dodge predators.

corn snakes inside transparent cages hibernating featured

Do Corn Snakes Hibernate & Brumate?

Corn snakes are ectotherms. It means they can’t generate their body heat. When the outside temperature drops, they enter a state of dormancy called brumation. They hide in burrows and limit their movement until it’s warm again.

hamster biting cage featured

Why Hamsters Bite Their Cage (& How To Prevent It)

Hamsters chew on the bars of their cage to wear down overgrowing teeth, relieve boredom, and because they are stressed. They also bite their bars when they feel irritated, when their cages are too small, and just for fun.

nocturnal corn snake featured

Are Corn Snakes Nocturnal Or Diurnal?

Corn snakes can exhibit both sleeping patterns. It means they sleep during the day and night, both. They are crepuscular – most active during the twilight hours.

group of mices inside a cage featured

Can Hamsters Live Together In The Same Cage?

Most hamsters are territorial animals and do not fare well when sharing a hamster cage. To prevent fights, keep them separate. Dwarf hamsters are the exception and can share a cage with other hamsters of the same sex.

hamster breast feading her babies featured

How Long Are Hamsters Pregnant? (& What To Expect)

A female hamster stays pregnant for 16-22 days, depending on the species. Syrian hamsters remain pregnant for 16-17 days. If you have a Dwarf Roborovski hamster, she’ll keep her babies in for 22 days or an entire month.

a turtle opening its mouth featured

Do Turtles Have Teeth? (Not Exactly…)

Turtles do not have teeth. A turtle bites using its beak, which is made up of keratin sheaths. Some species have sharp serrated edges on their beaks that help them cut into food.