If you have leftover brussel sprouts, can you feed them to your bearded dragon?
Your bearded dragon might be interested in eating just about anything people eat, including brussel sprouts.
But it’s important to know what is off-limits for your bearded dragon and what will help your pet lizard live a long, healthy life.
In this article, we’ll dive into brussel sprouts and their role in a bearded dragon diet.
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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Brussel Sprouts?
Yes, bearded dragons can eat brussel sprouts. You want to make sure they don’t eat too many. Otherwise, they could get sick. Make sure it’s a treat instead of part of their regular diet.
Feeding your bearded dragon the appropriate diet is crucial.
With dragons, not all vegetables are the same.
Why Should Bearded Dragons Eat Brussel Sprouts?
Brussel Sprouts Are Nutritious
Brussel Sprouts are a good source of vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K.
They are also full of fiber.
Giving pieces of sprouts to your beardie on occasion shouldn’t make your dragon sick but be sure not to over-do it.
Brussels Sprouts Strip Away Iodine
As a dragon owner, you should be aware brussels sprouts can strip away the iodine from their diet.
Insufficient iodine can result in problems with their thyroid gland.
This can lead to obesity.
Brussel sprouts contain high levels of goitrogens, which can interfere with their iodine intake and lead to hypothyroidism.
What Vegetables Should I Feed My Bearded Dragon?
Staple foods for your bearded dragon’s diet should consist of leafy green vegetables, like collard greens.
You may find the majority of their diet right in your home garden, even those flowers you just planted.
Foods like dandelion greens, mustard greens, and acorn squash are an excellent source of calcium.
A bearded dragon’s taste preferences can vary, so it’s best to find what your beardie likes the best.
Bearded Dragons are lovers of turnip greens, bok choy, green beans, and bell peppers.
Look for foods high in nutrients to help prevent future health issues.Ā
And if you’re interested in learning more about these foods read our post on feeding bearded dragon turnip greens.
Moderation is Key
In addition to brussel sprouts, some foods should only be given in moderation.
Spinach contains oxalate, which has a calcium-binding effect.
If serving spinach, limit it to small bite-size pieces.
Beet greens and swiss chard have the same effect as spinach and should only be given in moderation.
Iceberg lettuce can cause digestive issues in your bearded dragon and should only be given in moderation.
The main issue with iceberg lettuce is the high water content, which can lead to diarrhea.
What Other Foods Can They Eat?
Bearded dragons love fruit.
Make bite-sized pieces of apples, bananas, and citrus fruits part of your bearded dragon diet.
Keep the amount of fruit limited to 10-20% of their diet.
Your bearded dragon will enjoy feeding on mealworms.
The high-fat content in mealworms can lead to obesity, so be sure only to feed them in moderation.
It’s important to note; they should not be given to your baby bearded dragon.
If you are giving mealworms or other live insects to your bearded dragon, make sure they don’t drown in the water bowl.
If this happens, make sure to clean it out as soon as possible.
What Foods Should Bearded Dragons Avoid?
You will never want to feed your bearded dragon avocados.
They are high in oxalic acid, making your dragon very sick, and can even lead to death if given large amounts.
Avoid giving your bearded dragon any seeds.
The hulls of the seeds can cause major digestive issues.
Any food high in water content and low in nutrients, like celery, should be avoided as a staple.
We have a post on feeding bearded dragons celery if you’re interested in learning more.
What Vitamins Does Your Bearded Dragon Need?
Calcium and vitamin D3 are extremely important for bone growth in your bearded dragon.
If you keep your adult bearded dragon outside, it will receive vitamin D3 from the sun’s natural light.
Baby bearded dragons tend to need more supplements.
A supplement rich in vitamins will help with all parts of your growing lizard.
Bell peppers, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash are high in Vitamin A.
It is much healthier to give your bearded dragon foods rich with vitamin A versus giving them supplements with it.
A supplement high in Vitamin A is toxic in high doses.
Green cabbage is high in Vitamin C and should be fed on occasion to your bearded dragon.
Food Preparation For Your Bearded Dragon
Bearded dragons like their food prepared similar to people.
Bearded dragon keepers will often have a garden full of tasty treats for their pet lizards. Using a food chopper will help get the greens in bite-sized pieces.
If you have a variety of foods you are offering, mix them together to ensure your beardie gets a wide variety of nutrients.
Like humans, bearded dragons enjoy their food cooked or eaten raw.
Serving raw food will help retain its nutrients.
If you are serving them vegetables or flowers from a store, be sure no chemicals were used on the food.
If you are looking to mix things up a little, you may even buy salad dressing for your dragon.
It’s a nutritious way to enhance the flavors in the foods you are serving.
If you are having trouble with your dragon eating, it might entice them to eat more.
Final Thoughts
Remember, the size of your dragon matters.
Baby bearded dragons need crickets a few times a day.
On the other hand, adult bearded dragons need more leafy greens and fewer bugs.
As your lizard grows, be sure to reevaluate how much of certain foods you are giving them.
There is a wide variety of tasty treats to give your lizard.
Providing nutritious food to your bearded dragon will ensure a long life ahead of them.
While it’s possible give them brussel sprouts in moderation, it’s better to go for leafy greens high in vitamins and minerals.