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This book is packed with easy-to-understand information on selecting and setting up a habitat, feeding, breeding, and all other aspects of proper leopard gecko care.

How To Tell If Your Leopard Gecko Is Dying (Warning Signs)

Is your leopard gecko acting differently?

Are you concerned about the health of your leopard gecko?

If you are worried your leopard gecko is not healthy, you might wonder:

How can I tell if my leopard gecko is dying?

Leopard geckos are some of the hardiest reptiles, but if you notice your pet has lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time, isn’t interested in eating, has abnormal stools, sunken eyes, or is lethargic, it could be in danger of dying.

Understanding the health and what is typical for your leopard gecko will help you keep the animal happy and top-form.

Continue reading for more information on understanding how to tell if your leopard gecko is dying.

how to tell if your leopard gecko is dying infographic

How To Tell If Your Leopard Gecko Is Dying

One of the main reasons leopard geckos make excellent pets is because they are hardy creatures who do not die at the slightest problem.

But this doesn’t mean they are invincible and you can slack on proper care.

There are a few things you can see if your leopard gecko is sick or even possibly dying.

If you notice any of the following signs or are unsure about your pet’s health, contacting a veterinarian is a good idea.

The sooner, the better when it comes to the health of your Leo.

Weight Loss

A leopard gecko who loses a good amount of weight in a very short amount of time could be suffering from underlying conditions with the possibility of dying.

Besides poor husbandry, weight loss can stem from:

  • a poor diet
  • parasites
  • virus
  • bacterial or parasitic infections
  • an obstruction
  • kidney disease

If you’re not entirely sure you’re providing the best husbandry possible, we have a post covering leopard gecko husbandry you’ll find very helpful.

Adult male leopard geckos usually weigh between 60 and 90 grams, while females are lighter, weighing as little as 45 grams.

Don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian for an examination if you think your Leo is losing an inappropriate amount of weight.

If the problem is not identified, losing all the weight will only make them less able to fight off whatever illness causing the weight loss.

leopard gecko eating worm

Lack Of Appetite

Weight loss and lack of appetite are closely linked to identifying if your leopard gecko is sick.

While a lack of appetite could be an environmental issue, it could be something more serious.

It is best to eliminate all environmental possibilities before you assume your pet is dying.

Check the cage’s temperature in the proper range, eliminate stress they might be feeling, and make sure they are hydrated.

If your leopard gecko still isn’t eating after checking on these things, it is time to contact the veterinarian.

Not eating is something you cannot ignore, so make sure when you feed the animal, they are at least eating some of the food you provide.

leopard gecko not eating
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Abnormal Or No Droppings

One of the biggest signs you will notice if your Leo is dying or sick comes from looking at their droppings or the lack of them.

Abnormal or fewer droppings can be a sign of impaction.

This is, unfortunately, a pretty common reason for sudden deaths in leopard geckos.

An impaction occurs when your pet swallows something they shouldn’t have, causing digestive issues and other internal problems.

If caught, the impaction can be treated, but often it is not noticed, or the animal does an excellent job of hiding it, and it is too late to help.

Fewer droppings also can mean less food intake, and this, as mentioned above, is something to take notice of quickly.

Here’s a complete chart explaining the different types of Leopard gecko droppings and what they mean:

Type of Leopard Gecko DroppingAppearanceMeaning
NormalLooks normal with 3 colors: Dark (waste), white/yellow (uric acid), and clear/yellow (pee)Normal
UndigestedMay be watery and contain pieces of insects, fruits, or vegetables eatenLow tank temperature, parasitic infection,
White Has a grey or chalk-like appearanceIndigestion
Droppings with WormsMay be watery with pink or red worms Parasitic infection,
bacterial infection
SoftWhite or yellow gooey texture with brown bitsParasitic infection,
change of diet,
weak immunity
Green Has a green and brown, or just green appearance with minty green endsChange of diet,
substrate ingestion,
internal parasites
Droppings with SubstrateContains extremely hard and easily recognizable foreign objectsIngestion of sand, pebbles, or substrate

Sunken Eyes

Have you noticed your leopard gecko’s eyes are sunken into their face, almost looking like they are going back into the skull?

Sunken eyes are a sign of dehydration.

leopard gecko sunken eyes

Dehydration is often the cause of an underlying health issue in leopard geckos, and with dehydration comes a decrease in appetite and even more sickness.

Other dehydration signs include seeing a sticky mucus in the mouth and retained non-shedding skin, but sunken eyes are probably the easiest to understand.

Always keep plenty of fresh and clean water in the tank for the leopard gecko to help reduce the animal’s chances of dehydrating.

If you’ve never read about their water requirements, we have written about how long leopard geckos can go without water, and we encourage you to check it out.

Also, make sure the humidity levels are just right in their environment to help.

If your humidity levels are too high, it will cause all sorts of problems, such as respiratory infections and other skin problems.

Pause reading for just a moment and check your humidity levels, and if they’re too high, read our post on ways to lower humidity in your leopard gecko tank.


A healthy lizard is an active and bright-eyed lizard, and leopard geckos are no exception.

If your Leo is curious and active, they are feeling healthy and happy.

lethargic leopard gecko

Normal leopard gecko behavior involves exploring their home, hunting their prey on feeding days, and basking in the warmth.

Leopard geckos who are acting sluggish and are staying stationary for hours are likely to be sick.

You might also notice sick leopard geckos staying in their hides or under other objects in the tank.

These animals might be too weak to lift themselves off their stomachs onto their legs or remain in the same spot.

If you see your Leo acting like this, an immediate trip to the veterinarian is in order.

sick leopard gecko

Reasons Why Your Leopard Gecko Might Have Died Suddenly

If you have recently lost your leopard gecko but didn’t see any of these signs, you might be curious about what happened.

There are a variety of reasons, but some of the most common include:

  • High Temperature In The Environment
  • Impaction
  • Parasitic Infection Like Crypto
  • A Bad Roommate-Bad pairing with another leopard gecko in their tank
  • Tainted Food
  • Dehydration

It is so important to be watchful and knowledgeable about the possibilities when you own a leopard gecko, but even then, some things are just out of your control.

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If you are worried about your leopard gecko dying, it is always best to consult your pet’s veterinarian, as they will give you insight into your animal’s health.

Ultimately, knowing your gecko and what is healthy for them will be a significant component of determining if the animal is sick and dying.

The characteristics noted in this article are some of the major ones you might notice, but knowing your animal will be a great help in the early detection of sickness.

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